Monthly Beauty Column
Frankton Flyer
July 2019
“Brrr its really got cold the past couple of weeks, I’m sure your all doing your best to stay warm, including using heat pumps & lighting those fires.
Not only does the cold weather influence the skin & nails hydration, so does heat. Especially extreme heat produced from heat pumps.
Here’s some tips to help keep you hydrated during those winter months”
Keeping the Skin Hydrated at Night Time
As well as using serums and night creams, there’s another secret way you can keep your skin hydrated while you sleep…
Place a bowl of water near your heat pump or fire at night.
This will absorb the moisture into the air, allowing the skin to remain hydrated.
Hydrating Those Hands & Nails
These winter months can leave your hands and nails feeling dry, tight & flaky.
Applying hand cream every time you wash your hands will help your skin stay hydrated… “Easier said than done I know!”
The trick is to keep your hand cream in a place where you must look at it every day
eg: kitchen sink, office desk or in the car.
Also, the nails and cuticles within winter, can become dry and brittle. Applying a cuticle oil to the surrounding skin before bed can ensure the moisture levels are well nourished and hydrated, leaving the nails stronger and healthier.
Hitting the Ski Slopes? - Don’t Forget your Sunscreen!
Did you know the suns UVA & UVB rays are 60% more aggressive in the snow?
That’s because the sun reflects off the snows bright surface, causing more sun exposure.
Not using a sunscreen while on the mountain would increase your chances of hyper-pigmentation in the future.
A good sunscreen should have both UVA & UVB protection barriers to ensure you are getting the best protection possible.
